Split and order /etc/passwd file with a dict with Python
Here I have another quiz from the newsletter mentioned here:
“From the file /etc/passwd you must print out a dict sorted by key. The key of dict is field #1 and the value is field #3 of the passwd file. The lines beginning with # must be threated as comments.”
Seems not so hard, let’s propose this:
d = dict([(line.split(':')[0], line.split(':')[2])
for line in open('/etc/passwd').readlines() if not line.startswith('#')])
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
print(k, v)
This time I tried to keep it as shorter as possible using the beloved Python listing comprehension, then converting the list to a dictionary with dict(). Let’s see which were the proposed answers, instead.
One plain version:
users = {}
with open('/etc/passwd') as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith("#"):
user_info = line.split(":")
users[user_info[0]] = user_info[2]
for username in sorted(users):
print("{}:{}".format(username, users[username]))
and one with dictionary comprehension:
users = { line.split(':')[0] : line.split(':')[2]
for line in open('/etc/passwd')
if not line.startswith('#') }
for username in sorted(users):
print("{}:{}".format(username, users[username]))
This time, this last is very close to mine solution that instead is more old style. Which is the fastest one, then?
I ran both of them on my Linux box with perf stat -r 100
Mine scores: 0,015599686 seconds
and his: 0,015344643 seconds
As one would expect is almost identical scores.
So close!